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Article Creating a Research Project In this quick start tutorial we'll show you how to create a wiki page. The video as shown will demonstrate the basic concept for creating a wiki project page. You will be able to perform the following
Article Using The Patriot Woodwiki An open wiki is a great way to impart knowledge, and collaborate on research projects in any given field of interest. When a group of people come together and share and discuss ideas about a subject,
Article What is a Wiki A wiki (wɪki/ WIK-ee) is a website which allows collaborative modification of its content and structure directly from the web browser. In a typical wiki, text is written using a simplified markup lan
Article Why a Wiki? The Patriot Woodworker woodworking community is a vibrant forum, packed with great information from our members. The experience and skill set of our contributors is
Article Why Footnotes? Citations and footnotes are a great way to show the resources you used to create an accurate and factually correct research project. Keep reading to see how you can add validity to your research proje
Article Wiki Syntax and Editing Learn how to create and edit content with our native syntax editor or the more well known WYSIWYG editor. However you choose to create and edit, we have a way that should be comfortable for all.