One item that keeps re-occurring in our community are requests for fact based articles and verifiable content. While this may be possible from an administrative stand point, this is not possible nor practical to achieve with our forum software from the front end user standpoint, nor can this be achieved with any forum software for that matter. The reason is security. Unfortunately we cannot open our forum community to anonymous editing as there aren't any revision or change controls. If our forum community were open to anonymous editing then unscrupulous editors would be able to virtually destroy and delete all of our forum content. Because of this fact we cannot have an open editing style community at the forum level for The Patriot Woodworker forums.
The conclusion was made to create a wiki to satisfy the demands of our growing community. A wiki can be edited by virtually anyone who approaches our wiki website. By the practical nature of a wiki, it is made for anonymous editing and the creation and manipulation of pages and files. For the definition of a Wiki please click on What is a wiki?.
We have high expectations for the success of The Patriot Woodwiki, our wiki depends solely on the contributions of members and anonymous editors who wish to leave their mark in the world of cyber information for others to enjoy, share, and learn.
In closing
Most importantly, just have fun, edit, change content, and add your own content to our wiki, this wiki is you, a reflection of the woodworkers who frequent The Patriot Woodworker, and our wiki here. You do not have to be a member of either our community forum, nor this wiki in order to use this space, you only need to have a desire and motivation to share your knowledge and help those who come after us to have a better understanding and experience in our wonderful world of woodworking.