Birth date: 10-30-1920 |
Date of death: 09-10-2009 |
Country of origin: ![]() |
Primary Occupation: Woodworker |
Secondary Occupation: |
Spouse(s): Britta Krenov |
Early Life
James Krenov was born in a Chukchi tribal village
The Chukchi, Eskimos of Western Chukotka (Russian: чукчи (plural), чукча (singular)) are an indigenous people inhabiting the Chukchi Peninsula and the shores of the Chukchi Sea and the Bering Sea region of the Arctic Ocean within the Russian Federation. They speak the Chukchi language. The Chukchi originated from the people living around the Okhotsk Sea.
Chuckchi Tribe
The Krenov's fled St. Petersburg during the Russian Revolution and later found their way to Alaska through Shanghai.
While in Alaska James's parents became teachers at an Inuit Inuit (pronounced /in(y)o͞oit/, "the people") are a group of culturally similar indigenous peoples inhabiting the Arctic regions of Greenland, Canada and Alaska. Inuit is a plural noun; the singular is Inuk. The oral Inuit languages are classified in the Eskimo-Aleut family, whereas Inuit Sign Language is a critically endangered language isolate spoken in Nunavut. village outside of Anchorage to the north. This is where James, as a boy, began carving model boats and toys.1
Later Life
The Krenov family re-located to Seattle in the 1930's, there James acquired a job building yachts.
Because of his family roots James became an interpreter for the Lend-Lease program to provide supplies to the American allies that were dealing with Russian cargo ships during World War II.
After the war, in 1947 James moved to Sweden where he worked in an electrical appliance factory, meanwhile he would travel Europe during his stay there.1
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Image Gallery
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Further Reading
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Oral History with James Krenov 2004
External Links
Jame Krenov on Hand Planes Fine Woodworking
James Krenov, Master of the Hand Made Fine Woodworking
Obituary Notices
New York Times on James Krenov