Geographical origin: |
Primary use: Cutting and shaving wood |
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Category: Hand Tool |
1 Chisel, cutting tool with a sharpened edge at the end of a metal blade, used often by driving with a mallet or hammer in dressing, shaping, or working a solid material such as wood, stone, or metal. Flint ancestors of the present-day chisel existed as far back as 8000 bc; the Egyptians used copper and later bronze chisels to work both wood and soft stone. Chisels today are made of steel, in various sizes and degrees of hardness, depending on use.
2 Chisel comes from the Old French cisel, modern ciseau, Late Latin cisellum, a cutting tool, from caedere, to cut.
chis·el | \ ˈchi-zᵊl
3 The term "Chisel" is believed to have evolved from the Latin word "seco" (I cut) or the French word "ciseau." As ancient, archaeological discoveries indicate, the crude, stone-fashioned forerunners of today's chisels, may have been the first of its kind used by primitive man. Although improved, versions are believed to have been used for marble carving in 6th century BC Greece, inscriptions on an ancient tomb of 7th century BC Egypt, suggest otherwise.
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