Why Footnotes?

For this article, footnotes and citations are interchangeable terms, both terms are correct, and used for the same purposes. Referencing your research projects is a very important step in creating a legitimate, factual, and understandable wiki article. The Patriot Woodwiki requires that your research project be factual and those facts should be backed by citations and displayed as footnotes at the bottom of each page. If the researcher is not able to gain verifiable citations for the content of their article this does not mean the end of the world, it simply means that you can add the citations at a later time when you are able to obtain them, or another editor may insert the citations.

Research articles that cannot be verified and cited over a long period of time, will either have to be fully removed or the areas within the article will have to be removed or flagged as “unverifiable”. The author will be contacted before this action is taken.

To gain a better understanding of citing your research please see this subject at Explanation of Footnotes. We could not recreate a better explanation or example here in this wiki.

How to Cite Your Project

There are various ways to actually place a citation or footnote inline within your research project text, sentences, and paragraphs. The most common way is by using wiki syntax. By placing the footnote syntax immediately at the end of the text, sentence or paragraph to be cited, this will cause a numbered footnote to appear next to the text, and the numbered footnote will auto-populate at the bottom of the page with the content, as long as you place a "footnote area" tag at the bottom of the page.

Using Syntax for Footnotes

The next sentence in this paragraph contains a number one before it. 1 This is the sentence being cited, note the citation now appears at the bottom of this page. Click on the number and you'll be taken to the bottom of this page, once you are at the bottom of the page, click on the number "1." and you will be taken back to the cited sentence above.

The following is the footnote tag to use for your inline references, you would replace "Foot note example" with your own citation.

{FOOTNOTE()}Foot note example{FOOTNOTE}

The following is the syntax for the footnote area that must be placed at the bottom of your page in order for the citaitons to appear. (NOTE) If you are using a predefined template from our template library, the footnote area at the bottom of your page has already been configured for "footnotes"

{footnotearea }


Using Visual Editor for Footnotes

In order to reference quoted text, or a sentence and paragraph, using the more familiar Word like processor also known here as Visual Editor, you would simply place your cursor where you want the citation number to appear, then click on the icons in the tool bar that look like the following:
Footnote Symbol
The first box is the actual footnote or citation prompt for placing the footnote or citation inline with the sentence. You must click the second box in order to place the footnote tag at the bottom of your page so your inline citations and footnotes will display correctly at the bottom of your research project page. (Remember, if you use a Content Template to create your wiki page, the footnote area at the bottom is already configured)

Using the Same Citation for Multiple Items

Coming soon

Referencing Tools

TikiWiki Footnote Plugin This link will take you to the actual software plugin we use here to generate footnotes.

Univirsity of Pittsburgh, http://pitt.libguides.com/citationhelp

Concordia Libraries (Concordia University). http://library.concordia.ca/help/howto/citations.html Citation and Style Guides.

The Writers' Workshop, Center for Writing Studies. http://web.archive.org/web/20070206163440/http://www.english.uiuc.edu/cws/wworkshop/writer_resources/citation_styles/apa/apa.htm "Citation Styles Handbook: APA", University of Illinois.

The Writers' Workshop, Center for Writing Studies. http://web.archive.org/web/20070208034206/http://www.english.uiuc.edu/cws/wworkshop/writer_resources/citation_styles/mla/mla.htm "Citation Styles Handbook: MLA", University of Illinois.

http://www.ccc.commnet.edu/library/mla/practical_guide.shtml A writer's practical guide to MLA documentation.

http://www2.liu.edu/cwis/cwp/library/workshop/citama.htm AMA Citation Style.

http://www.wisc.edu/writing/Handbook/DocChiWorksCited.html Chicago/Turabian Documentation.

http://library.concordia.ca/help/howto/turabian.pdf Citation Guide – Turabian.

http://bailiwick.lib.uiowa.edu/journalism/cite.html Guide to Citation Style Guides.

http://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/uniform_requirements.html Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals.

http://pubs.acs.org/books/references.shtml American Chemical Society reference style guidelines.

http://citationmachine.net/ Citation Machine.

http://howtowritecitations.com/ How to write citations.


1 Foot note example